Sunday, August 11, 2019

ISO 27001 certification in mumbai 


ISO 27001 certification in mumbai (Management system for private security operations -Requirements with guidance for use)
This International Standard specifies requirements and provides guidance for organizations conducting or contracting security operations. It provides a business and risk management structure for the effective conduct of security operations. It is specifically applicable to any organization operating in circumstances where governance may be weak or rule of law undermined due to human or naturally caused events. Using a Plan-Do-Check-Act approach, this International Standard provides a means for organizations conducting or contracting security operations to demonstrate:-

Satisfactory business and risk management capacity to meet the professional requirements of clients and other stakeholders;
Assessment and management of the impact of their activities on local communities;
Accountability to law and respect for human rights;
Consistency with voluntary commitments to which the organization subscribes.

What is ISO 27001 certification in mumbai ?

ISO 27001 certification in mumbai provides the principles and requirements for a security operations management system (SOMS). ISO 27001 certification in mumbai provides a business and risk management framework for organizations conducting or contracting security operations and related activities and functions while demonstrating.

ISO 27001 certification in mumbai is applicable to any organization that needs to:

Establish, implement, maintain and improve an SOMS;
Assess its conformity with its stated security operations management policy;
Demonstrate its ability to consistently provide services that meet client needs and are in conformance with applicable laws and human rights requirements.

BENEFITS OF ISO 27001 certification in mumbai TO YOUR ORGANIZATION:-

Imposes credibility and helps protect your reputation
Boosts the probability of operational success
Provides assurance for customers, governments, and communities
Demonstrates accountability to law and respect for human rights
Increases organizational productivity with the best practice “Plan, Do, Check, Act” approach
Presents consistent and comprehensive means of demonstrating effective corporate governance from board level to physical delivery

BENEFITS OF ISO 27001 certification in mumbai TO YOUR CUSTOMERS:-

Helps your customers protect their reputation
Provides a commitment to security operations best practices
Demonstrates compliance with legal obligations and relevant principles
Provides adherence to human rights and fundamental freedoms
Content of ISO 27001 certification in mumbai 
Normative references
Terms and definitions
Context of the organization:-
     Understanding the organization and its context
     Understanding the needs and expectations of stakeholders
     Determining the scope of the security operations management system
     Security operations management system


     Leadership and commitment
     Organization roles, responsibilities and authorities


    Actions to address risks and opportunities
    Security operations objectives and planning to achieve them


    Documented information


     Operational planning and control
     Establishing norms of behavior and codes of ethical conduct
     Use of force
     Apprehension and search
     Operations in support of law enforcement
     Resources, roles, responsibility and authority
     Occupational health and safety
     Incident management

Performance evaluation:-
     Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation
    Internal audit
    Management review

    Nonconformity and corrective action
    Continual improvement

Why is Security Operations Management System important for organization?

The importance of ISO 27001  stands on the ability of the organization to detect appropriate legal and regulatory guidelines and also support business functions and the supply chain. This standard is appropriate for any kind of organization involved in conducting or contracting security operations. The ISO 27001 certification helps you to establish, implement, maintain and improve a Security Operations Management System and at the same time assures that the organization has implemented effective management controls.

Friday, August 9, 2019

ISO 14001 certification in mumbai  

There are twenty definitions in the 2004 version, versus thirty-three definitions in the DIS. Of the thirty-three, eleven are both specific to 14001 and new or different in the DIS than in the 2004 version. So, using the power of math’s, about two-thirds of the Definitions are built right into the structure of DIS 14001 – courtesy of Annex SL.
What is ISO 14001 certification in mumbai? 

ISO 14001 certification in mumbai is the International standard as an Environment Management System (EMS). ISO 14001 Environment Management System is a systematic framework to manage the immediate and long term environmental impact of an organization product, services, and processes. The system is proven to make business owners and managers be more aware of their environmental responsibilities, including legal and regulatory accountabilities, and being able to manage and control the associated risks.
Why ISO 14001 Certification?
ISO 14001 certification in mumbai you can prove to your stakeholders, customers and staff that you are aware of your environmental obligations and are looking to reduce your environmental impact.

Benefit of ISO 14001:2015
Use the reduce, reuse and recycle approach to make tangible cost reductions as well the potential to reduce taxes and liability insurances Enhance your company and improve your green credentials within the local community and to potential investors Reduce the impact of your business activities on the environment through best practice management.

Here are just a few of these benefits:

 Improve your image and credibility - By assuring customers that you have a commitment to demonstrable management of your environmental impacts, you can enhance your image and market share through maintaining a good public image and improved community relations.

Improve cost control - The EMS can help with this by conserving energy and input materials, while reducing incidents for which a company can incur liability costs and improved environmental controls can help to obtain insurance at reduced costs to the company.

Use evidence-based decision making - By using this data to track your progress you can correct these improvement initiatives before they have gone “off the rails,” which can save costs and time.
Create a culture of continual improvement - With continual improvement, you can work toward better processes and reduced environmental impacts in a systematic way in order to improve your public image and potentially reduce your costs, as identified above. When a culture of improvement is created, people are always looking for ways to make their processes better, which makes maintaining the EMS easier.

Engage your people - By engaging your employees in a group effort to reduce your environmental footprint you can increase employee focus and retention.

The Process of ISO 14001 Certification:

Initial assessment
·         Identify area of non compliance
·         Recommend area of improvement to meet requirement
·         Information is gather to compile documentation 

2 Writing Documentation
·         Documentation is complied
·         Compulsory procedure are include in line with you content business procedure

3 Presentation of Certification
·         Once all requirement are met presentation of documentation and certificate is made.
·         Company is certified.

·         Environmental Management Systems (EMS)
·         Environmental  Auditing
·         Environmental Labels and Declarations
·         Environmental Performance Evaluation
·         Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
·         Environmental Communication
·         Greenhouse Gases (GHG) Monitoring

Changing industry Landscape and stakeholder needs:

The industry landscape is always changing. The introduction of the newest ISO 9001 certification in mumbai  revision in 2015 bring important changes that will have a lasting effect on the compliance requirements of business of all size and industries. These changes have impacts to your stakeholder needs and require the evaluation of your management system.

Mandatory steps to finish implementation and get your company certified:
 Internal audit – The internal audit is in place for you to check your EMS processes. The goal is to ensure that records are in place to confirm compliance of the processes and to find problems and weaknesses that would otherwise stay hidden.
Management review – A formal review by your management to evaluate the relevant facts about the management system processes in order to make appropriate decisions and assign resources.
Corrective actions – Following the internal audit and management review, you need to correct the root cause of any identified problems and document how they were resolved.

The company certification process is divided into two stages:
Stage One (documentation review) – The auditors from your chosen certification body will check to ensure your documentation meets the requirements of ISO 14001.
Stage Two (main audit) – Here, the certification body auditors will check whether your actual activities are compliant with both ISO 14001 and your own documentation by reviewing documents, records, and company practices.

What do ISO 14001 actually look be fond of?

The ISO 14001 structure is divide into ten sections. The first three are introductory, with the last seven containing the requirements for the environmental management system. Here is what the seven main sections are about:
 4 Context of the organization: – This section talks about requirements for understanding your organization in order to implement an EMS. It includes the requirements for identifying internal and external issues, identifying interested parties and their expectations, defining the scope of the EMS and identifying the processes required for the EMS.

 5 Leadership: – The leadership requirements cover the need for top management to be instrumental in the implementation of the EMS. Top management needs to demonstrate commitment to the EMS by ensuring environmental commitment, defining and communicating the environmental policy and assigning roles and responsibilities throughout the organization.

 6 Planning: – Top management must also plan for the ongoing function of the EMS. Risks and opportunities of the EMS in the organization need to be assessed, and environmental objectives for improvement need to be identified and plans made to accomplish these objectives. Additionally, it is necessary for the organization to assess all the ways in which the organizational processes interact and affect the environment as well as the legal and other commitments that are required fo the organization.

 7 Support: – The support section deals with management of all resources for the EMS, and also includes requirements around competence, awareness, communication and controlling documented information (the documents and records required for your processes).

 8 Operation:– The operation requirements deal with all aspects of the environmental controls needed by the organizational processes, as well as the need to identify potential emergency situations and plan responses so that you are prepared to respond should an emergency occur.

 9 Performance evaluation:– This section includes the requirements needed to make sure that you can monitor whether your EMS is functioning well. It includes monitoring and measuring your processes, assessing environmental compliance, internal audits, and ongoing management review of the EMS.

10 Improvement: – This last section includes the requirements needed to make your EMS better over time. This includes the need to assess process nonconformity and taking corrective actions for processes.
These sections are based on a Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle, which uses these elements to implement change within the processes of the organization in order to drive and maintain improvements within the processes.

Mandatory documents and records compulsory by ISO 14001:2015

Here are the documents you need to produce ISO 14001:2015 certification
·      Scope of the EMS, 
·      Environmental policy, 
·      Risk and opportunities to be addressed and processes needed ,
·      Criteria for evaluation of significant environmental aspects,
·      Environmental aspects with associated environmental impacts, 
·      Significant environmental aspects, 
·      Environmental objectives and plans for achieving them, 
·      Operational control, 
·      Emergency preparedness and response. 
And, now are the mandatory records:
·       Compliance obligations record, 
·       Records of training, skills, experience and qualifications, 
·       Evidence of communication, 
·       Monitoring and measurement results, 
·       Internal audit program, 
·       Results of internal audits, 
·       Results of the management review, 
·       Results of corrective actions. 


Thursday, August 8, 2019

ISO 14298:2013 Certification


ISO 27001 certification in mumbai (Graphic technology -Management of security processes)

printing Current security printing management practices lack sufficient guarantees that effective security controls are maintained to protect the interest of the customer as well as the general public. Using this International Standard the organization establishes, documents, implements and maintains a security printing management system. This security printing management system is regularly reviewed to continually improve its effectiveness. It is recognized that customer requirements sometimes exceed the requirements of this International Standard so the security printing management system also addresses customer requirements that are beyond the scope of this International Standard.

What is ISO 14001 certification in mumbai Certification? 

ISO 14001 certification in mumbai specifies a minimum set of security printing management system requirements. Organizations ensure that customer security requirements are met as appropriate provided these do not conflict with the requirements of  ISO 14001 certification in mumbai.

 Using this International Standard the organization establishes, documents, implements and maintains a security printing management system. This security printing management system is regularly reviewed to continually improve its effectiveness. 
The application of a system of processes within an organization, together with the identification and interaction of these processes, and their management, is referred to as a “process approach”. An advantage of a “process approach” is the ongoing control that it provides over the interaction between individual processes within the system of processes, as well as over their combination.

When implemented, the security printing management system:

·          Achieves the security of products, processes, means of production, premises, information, raw material supplies;
·          Is used to continue to meet demonstrably the requirements, and naturally, the needs of customers;
·          Affords management the confidence that the targeted degree of security is actually achieved and remains effective;
·          Affords the customers the confidence that the agreed nature and degree of security is or will be attained.

Main clauses of ISO 45001 certification in mumbai ?

·     Context of organization
·     Leadership
·     Planning
·     Support
·     Operation
·     Operation evaluation
·        Improvement

Who can get certified?

Producers of printed documents or products of value or entitlement, ID documents or security foils which are physically protected against forgery, counterfeit and alteration by security features. Security printing also covers the production of security foils including holograms.

Certification levels

ISO 45001 certification in mumbai certificates can be issued on three levels:

·     F (Security Printing / Fundamental): A minimum set of requirements need to be fulfilled in order to be awarded a certificate with the level F. This level applies to printers supplying commercial security printing products and security products for non-governmental and governmental organizations.
·     G (Security Printing / Governmental): An additional set of requirements need to be fulfilled by all printers certified with the level G. This level applies to printers supplying commercial security printing products ,security products for governmental organizations and ID-documents or passports.
·     CB (Security Printing / Central Bank): Further requirements for printers supplying central banks or credit card issuing authorities and ID or passport personalization centers.

Benefits of implementing ISO 45001 certification in mumbai 

· Ensures security of products, processes, means of production, premises, information, raw material supplies.
·   Continual improvement in meeting customer requirement and standard requirements.
·   Affords management the confidence in security system of products and processes .
·   Affords the customers the confidence that their requirements are attained with degree of security. 


Wednesday, August 7, 2019

IOS 21101:2014 Certification


Each section of the show starts with a question to motivate thinking and conversation. Even though some of these questions could be answered as a ‘yes’, you are encouraged to read the section in detail to ensure that you are meeting all of the requirements of the Standard. After explaining the importance of the requirement, further questions and guidance research deeper into what is needed and how you can achieve it. 

ISO 9001 certification in mumbai. 

What is ISO 21101:2014 Certification?

ISO 21101:2014 (Adventure tourism - Safety management systems)
Developing, implementing and maintaining a safety management system (SMS) requires a big effort.
To assist adventure tourism providers in this task, a new handbook has been published. It gives simple step-by-step guidance and is completely aligned with the requirements of ISO 21101 for adventure tourism.

This handbook offers step-by-step guidance and examples to help small and medium-sized adventure tourism operators develop, implement and continually improve a safety management system following the requirements of ISO 21101:2014. 
ISO 21101 has been designed to provide a systematic approach to safety. The SMS outlined in the standard can be used by small and large companies alike, operating anywhere in the world.
ISO 21101 helps:
·         Enhance safety performance,
·         Meet expectations for participant and staff safety,
·         Demonstrate safe practice,
·         Support compliance with applicable legal requirements.

Content of ISO 21101 Certification:
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Context of the organization:
·         Understanding the organization and its context
·          Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties
·          Determining the scope of the adventure tourism safety management system
·          Adventure tourism safety management system
5 Leadership:
·         Leadership and commitment
·         Policy
·         Organizational roles, tasks and authorities
6 Planning:
·         Actions to address risks and opportunity
·         Adventure tourism safety objectives and planning to achieve them.
7 Supports:
·         Resource
·         Competence
·          Awareness
·         Communication
·          Documented information
8 Operations:
·         Operational planning and control
·         Emergency preparedness and response
·          Managing incidents
9 Performance evaluations:
·         Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation
·         Internal audit
·         Management review
10 Improvement:
·         Nonconformity and corrective action
·         Continual improvement

Why is this important?
 Making a decision to set up an SMS (Safety Management System) consistent with the Standard demonstrates your commitment to providing safe adventure activities.
While you may already have some of the fundamentals of an SMS, working through this guide will help you to ensure that your SMS is complete and interactive.
It will help you to tie together these elements into a cohesive, documented system that you can continually review and improve.

ISO 14001 certification in mumbai  




ISO 27001 certification in mumbai 

Introduction ISO 27001 certification in mumbai (Management system for private security operations -Requirements with guidance for use)...